
Friday, 14 February 2014

Friday's Assembly :)

This morning we had school assembly, it was so exciting because there were going to be some performances. As we sat down in the hall everyone was talking about what’s going to happen. Mr Burt had some Korero to talk about and that was “ Is It Kind “. When he had finished the Hip Hop Group performed a dance it was so cool. After that these girls performed a Samoan Dance it was amazing.

After the amazing performances Gloria went up on the stage to ask the girls some questions about dancing.  Some of the questions were How old were you when you started dancing ? the lady replied when they were 2 or 3 years old. The other question was Can you show us some dance moves ? the girl showed us how to do a Si’e, a Si’e is moving to side to side it was so easy to do and she even showed us a Faitaupaki that was really hard to do.

As assembly was nearly finished we watched some movies of What Does Waitangi Mean To Me?. The first movie that we watched was made by Steveson Erick, his movie was really good and interesting. The next one was made by Class 12 Miss King’s class.  That movie was our waking out movie.

1 comment:

Taeshell said...

Hey Faa'ao,

Good story about Friday's Assembly. I like how you have concluded some very interesting words in your writing! Keep up the good work!

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