
Thursday, 20 February 2014

, Interviewing Year 2s :)


- Yr 2. 5 & 6 year old
- Themes
- Ideas
- Freetime Ideas
- Toys : Mermaids, Dolls, Cars and Legos
- Questions

Para1: On Wednesday 12th of February Class 2 all went down to the village to talk to the year 2s about what toys do they want in their class and why.  When we got there we got into groups of 3 or 4 and sat down outside, we waited for Mrs Lagitupu to give us some kids to interview. The kids that we got was Pisirena, Eden and Katie.

Para2: When we asked them what do they want and why , Pisirena said she wanted princess doll because it’s pretty n pink. It was Eden’s turn she said she wanted a mermaid doll because it was pink, purple and red. Lucky last was Katie she wanted a Girl Smurf because it was pretty. As we finished talking to them about what toys do they want they asked a question and the question was “ How Are You Guys Going To Make It ? “.   

Para3: When we finished interviewing Pisirina, Eden, and Katie they walked into class and shouting at me and saying “ Make Sure My Mermaid Is Pretty Okay “ I replied “ Yes I will “.  We all started giggling. It was a fun day interviewing the Year 2s.

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